As a brand-new year is almost upon us, perhaps you, like many others, are thinking about getting yourself fit and healthy and back in the gym. Many people opt for an at-home gym nowadays – if this is something you are considering, you may find the following suggestions helpful:

Design your at-home gym with safety in mind. You want your workout space to be a safe, healthy environment, not a place where accidents are inevitable. So, try to arrange the layout of your gym so that even when using gym equipment, you are still able to observe anyone entering the room – this will help prevent many accidents, especially those involving small children.

Ideally, you would want your at-home gym to be in a room that is kept locked when not in use. However, even if this is the case, it is still a good idea to keep weights and barbells out of reach of children and any exercise machines such as a treadmill in their locked positions. It doesn’t hurt to unplug these machines when not in use either, as an extra precaution.

Finally, if there will be a few people using the gym equipment, make sure they are well-educated on how to operate it safely. With so many exercise equipment injuries reported every year, it is always best to take extra safety precautions to prevent these injuries from happening in your home.

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