Wood-burning stoves are a great addition to a home and, depending on their size, can make a room or an entire home warm and cozy. Like most things in the home, however, a wood-burning stove needs to be well maintained. How do you do that? Here are a few tips for keeping your wood burner in good working order:
Firstly, be sure to get the wood burner inspected regularly. One reason for this is that creosote has a tendency to build up in the stovepipe. When this happens, it can become dangerous for the home’s occupants, so a regular inspection will help ensure its safe use.
Do not burn anything other than wood in your wood-burning stove. Fuel such as coal burns hotter than wood, so using it in your wood burner is a safety hazard. You should also avoid burning painted, or pressure-treated woods, particleboard, plywood, gift wrap, or other colored paper as these items release toxic fumes when burned.
When lighting your wood burner, softwoods are best to use as they ignite quickly. When the fire is established you can add hardwoods such as ash or hickory, these burn hotter and cleaner. Cutting wood into smaller pieces will also help.
Safely dispose of ashes. A good way to do this is by placing them in a water-filled metal container. Finally, make sure your home is fitted with the correct number of smoke detectors, and test them regularly.
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